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enjoy life though hard up


Snow, lingering and we saw Yushu Qionghua drifting profusely and disorderly. Sure enough, the snow is the soul of winter, it is coming, let sleeping wake up in winter. The adults surprised eyes, children happy cries, all everywhere revealed vitality. However, snow fall, has brought some troubles and inconvenience.

In order to "preventive measures", to avoid the occurrence of safety accidents, personally led by Huang, chairman of the board of directors, for the first time to organize all office staff together cleaning the snow. A call, all office staff in place quickly, shovel, broom was waving. A dance, the whole body is relaxed, the more comfortable you are, I have built snowmen. This has formed a beautiful scenery line in the winter.

The cold wind, blowing the minus temperature, brought up the road surface. This gives us the cleaning work has brought some resistance, everyone's hands are frozen red, however, all this did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for labor. The laughter of snow and block to go to the cold and windy, cover the Celsius temperature, the melting of the pavement on the ice. The whole team unity and cooperation in the Yellow led by the chairman, and combined with the shovel sweep in order. After about two hours of fighting, the company all the main road on the snow was cleared clean. This move, for the company all employees and visitors in exchange for a safe and worry free travel.

Snow is cleared, the left is full of Hua Hua spirit, work together in the spirit of helping, is not afraid of hard fighting spirit, the spirit of optimism and positive, is selfless dedication of my. All this is like snow, slowly rich, and along with the temperature gradually increased and permanently into the land huahua. Believe that in this fertile land, will be able to open a gorgeous flower.



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