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The study of the iron spirit in the state owned enterprises

My company's sales personnel in mid April to state-owned enterprises in Fujian Railway visits to learn, in just a few days time, give the visitors more profound shock, especially peculiar to people in the iron group cooperation spirit. According to the study, our company organizational learning conferences, will be the best iron man spirit of publicity to each worker body. The following is a learning staff feeling.
The spirit of dedication in learning that there is a force called ahead
Iron man's work is hard, this hard in outsiders view even cannot understand: his wife and children attend, bought a house to live in, the size of the festival site, years scattered in the mountain. This is a kind of people? What kind of spirit, what makes them work in the harsh environment, in the creation of hard work, in an extraordinary position to write touching chapter?
When I went to the railway company, I find the answer in, which have unity and harmony of the team, pacesetter in various positions, also have propped up the rear half of the wife, from the iron in the body, we see the a spirit called dedication, a force called ahead.
Along the way I saw a good and can lead to a bridge, I felt indescribable, not to mention them? It must have been with me, and I cannot deny that I am proud. In the dedication and enterprising, they reflect the value of life, in the dedication and progress in their experience of the joy of life.
In the tough environment, heavy work, years of travel, they cosmopolitan, open mountains, water bridge, dedicated youth and sweat, provides a convenient Rome avenue for the broad masses of the people!
Dedication is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Of course, this kind of pay is not no return, compared with the general enterprise, their treatment is still very secure, this I am very happy, there is pay will be rewarded.
Before I did not come to Fujian, my mind in the state-owned enterprises should is day 8, 9 o'clock came late to work, when to drink tea, read the newspaper, five out of the office on time. Do not know whether or not there are people who want to be the same as I think? Fact is, they although in different positions, but they all have the same this dedication overdraw body. Some ailing still hold to the job; their years of travel do not wife ions, home difficult too busy to take into account; they silently, no regrets. They interpret the dedication of their own practical action, which is not only the spirit of state-owned enterprises in China Railway is also one of the valuable wealth we can never lose.
Which give me a deep impression is, every morning as project leader and the various members of the seven fifteen minutes to open on time will be early, after a busy day at night at 7: 30 in the need to open the evening, usually open at 9: 30 or even 10, 11 have had all cadres during the day on the site, back in the evening office consolidation within the industry, competent leadership at night on duty, 24 hours standby. Compared to this, I found our Hua this family is still pretty happy in china.
Joy in their body, I also see another kind of indispensable spirit, enterprising spirit, the enterprising spirit and cohesion of the great power to promote the enterprise development year by year and beyond, as a building construction enterprises in the brutal competition in the market, they face a lot of difficulties and challenges, successful and failed lessons, but never flinched from their deeds, we can see that they face the work pressure, and new knowledge and new technology challenges, there are personal or family difficulties, the difficulties and challenges, they show is indomitable, positive enterprising. This is not the same as we? Every thing is, put it as a thing to do, to have a sense of responsibility, strict own off this road. Hua Hua is a big family, we as one of the members, but also to share weal and woe.
Learn to make iron spirit, dedication and initiative spirit, let us flash in their respective positions! China Huahao, we will be better. I believe we have a better tomorrow.



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